Earth Day: Helping the Environment and Ourselves
April 22 marks the 51st anniversary of Earth Day, begun in 1970 and celebrated around the world. Earth Day reminds us of our personal and collective responsibility to preserve and protect our environment. For many the word “environment” means the natural world: the mountains, forests, rivers, oceans, animals, and the air around us. To others, the environment brings to mind the green movement, and “reduce—reuse—recycle.”
- Turn off appliances and lights that are not in use.
- Turn off the sink faucet while lathering your hands or brushing your teeth.
- Take shorter showers or try turning the water off when soaping.
- “Upcycle” unwanted items or objects before trashing or discarding
- Recycle paper, plastic, cardboard, and cans instead of trashing them.
However, the environment is really everything in the world surrounding us; from conditions affecting our basic physical needs to conditions affecting our needs for safe communities and for personal satisfaction. The conditions of all our environments often determine whether we can live safe, healthy, and satisfying lives.